Ballet classes include pointe work for those students who have achieved technical and physical readiness as determined by the instructor. Students taking pointe class must attend a minimum of two ballet technique classes per week.
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Current Classes
Moving beyond the Intermediate Level. Center work will consist of an adagio, a tendu combination, jumps – including petit allegro and batterie, and pirouette preparations and turns. Dancers will begin to work on attitude positions, as well as, develop their grande rond de jambe and rond de jambe en l’air. Corner work will consist of jump, waltz, and various traveling combinations, including grande allegro, kept in time to the music. These combinations may exceed 2 eight counts of movement. Dancers will learn basic kinesiology and stage placement. They will be given literature on anatomy for dancers. dancers must have at least four years experience, take at least one other ballet class a week, and have the instructor’s permission to register for the class. Class is recommended for dancers ages 11 and up. Returning students should always refer to their spring evaluation to determine the appropriate fall class to take.
Moving beyond the Intermediate Level. Center work will consist of an adagio, a tendu combination, jumps – including petit allegro and batterie, and pirouette preparations and turns. Dancers will begin to work on attitude positions, as well as, develop their grande rond de jambe and rond de jambe en l’air. Corner work will consist of jump, waltz, and various traveling combinations, including grande allegro, kept in time to the music. These combinations may exceed 2 eight counts of movement. Dancers will learn basic kinesiology and stage placement. They will be given literature on anatomy for dancers. dancers must have at least four years experience, take at least one other ballet class a week, and have the instructor’s permission to register for the class. Class is recommended for dancers ages 11 and up. Returning students should always refer to their spring evaluation to determine the appropriate fall class to take.
Moving beyond the Intermediate Level. Center work will consist of an adagio, a tendu combination, jumps – including petit allegro and batterie, and pirouette preparations and turns. Dancers will begin to work on attitude positions, as well as, develop their grande rond de jambe and rond de jambe en l’air. Corner work will consist of jump, waltz, and various traveling combinations, including grande allegro, kept in time to the music. These combinations may exceed 2 eight counts of movement. Dancers will learn basic kinesiology and stage placement. They will be given literature on anatomy for dancers. dancers must have at least four years experience, take at least one other ballet class a week, and have the instructor’s permission to register for the class. Class is recommended for dancers ages 11 and up. Returning students should always refer to their spring evaluation to determine the appropriate fall class to take.