Studio Etiquette
There are many breaches of studio etiquette (or things that are generally not allowed) during ballet class shown in the illustration to the left...
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Chatting, whispering, or giggling
Clothing that is torn, dirty, or in disrepair
Clothing, including leg warmers, that falls off
Big jewelry
Drinking (other than water)
Turning on a fan or opening a window without permission
Taking pictures without permission
Watching from the doorway
Sitting on or hanging from the barres
Draping clothes or bags on the barres
Talking on the phone
Touching or leaning on the piano
Chewing gum
Inappropriate displays of affection
Bare feet (in ballet class)
Street shoes or street-clothes in ballet class
Choreographing your own steps
Entering class late
Leaving class early
Positioning yourself in front of the first person at the barre
Warm-up booties during center floor
Hand holding or locking elbows with a classmate
Listening to your own electronic device
Seriously sexy leotards
Bad body odor or strong perfume
Long loose hair or long ponytails
Bare chests
Oversized luggage
Not helping to move the barres