Join us every Friday until summer break 4:30 - 6 pm for our LIVE ONLINE master classes with instructors from across the USA!
We could not be more excited to be able to take advantage of technology and our unique situation, turn it around positively, and be able to bring amazing instructors in to work with you online!
These classes are open and not just for our current students, which means you can invite your friends no matter where they live, to share this experience together.
Our guest instructors bring a wealth of knowledge to share, and their classes will range from ballet to contemporary to modern and every blend in between.
If you are not a current SCB unlimited student and you would like to take a class, register and pay $5 through the studio PayPal account ( ) by 3 pm the day of the class you wish to take, note your email address and name with the payment, and you will receive an email with the link to the Zoom meeting for that class.
See our website, Facebook, or the next blog post for the Friday LIVE ONLINE master class schedule!